Sunday, April 19, 2015

New Nano tecnology | Owning the language

Marketing language is important also in the news emerging nano technologie markets.
Example if I say toothpaste you think Colgate… If I say facial tissue you think Kleenex.
If you are really good you get the word set in the dictionary.That is exactly what the nano technology of Nanofixit is doing with liquid screen protector.

As the strongest and most versatile transparent liquid screen protector Nanofixitis owning the language and this term. When somebody say liquid screen protector, you think Nanofixit.
You have to start to define your goals in marketing to achieve the clear results.When Nanofixit was going to launch their Nanotechnology screen protector they sat down and wrote down their clear goals on how it had to work to become the #1 liquid screen protector in the world.

They decided it had to have the following benefits:

1.    Titanium strength that could stand scratches up to 9kg

2.    Anti bacterial

3.    Anti static

4.    Lower the radiation from the phone

5.    Anti UV-ray

6.    Battery saving

7.    Bubble free

8.    Easy to clean

9.    Enhance the color quality of the screen

1.  Increase the pixels of the camera

1.  Water repellent

1.  Eco friendly and safe

A pretty long list if you as us. But structured correctly it was all-possible. After over one year of planning and testing different ways of developing the world’s strongest liquid screen protector they found the solution.

But that is not all…

When you build a worldwide brand you need design and market communication and the design team sat down and started to make different concept designs of the packaging. They knew this is crucial for success. After looking at several solutions with Apple as the benchmark they decided to design an Octagon shaped box as the octagon is used in New Nano technology and is a quite unique shape with 8 sides.

Speak about having an impact on the world or create change?
This is what is all about and as the saying goes, we must serve our clients if not somebody else will.
Serving the client and consumers and providing them with choices and the human right to decide to be more environmental friendly and to really benefit from the expensive purchase of a high end mobile phone.
Electronics are still very expensive, especially the known brands. Mostly because they do spend a lot of money on advertising and this is what we as consumers end up paying for.
Company like fixit can help you enjoy your screen more with clearer pictures and longer battery capacity and you can know that your phone has less bacteria and radiation coming from the glass.
 So let us ask us the question, why would anybody not use this new tecnology?
Well, it is more expensive than the cheapest screen protector and many people could want to save money and be willing to sacrifice a clear screen to achieve it.
But on the other hand, one bottle of fixit contains 1.5 ML and is enough to coat over 10 different units.
This technology can coat your Cellphone your Tablets and on top of that you can coat your kids handheld games and your Ray Ban sunglasses. Anything made of glass with a small glass surface you can coat. Phone coating is the new trend, you just watch and see. Nanofixit works with some very famous people in the world and will soon be on your doorstep showing you how you can coat your electronics in 60 seconds.


  1. To protect your mobile screen Nanofixit protector is here.Now kids are addicted to mobile,using too much mobile effect your kids health. Because mobile has radiation which damage brain,it has bacteria which attached to our body and we become ill.Solution to this is using best nano liquid screen protector.

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